The show aired on NDTV imagine and ironically, which is a successful show on the NDTV Imagine, which has helped him made more than Rs.4Cr. The show is a commercial success and made him lakhs of money in a day. Karan Kundra TV & Reality Showsīack in the days, the first show he got offered was “Kitani Mohabbat Hai” as a lead role in the serial. The popular shopping mall in Jalandhar, Punjab insignia is done under his leadership, he made over Rs.12Cr in profits, according to the sources.įrom 2009 to 2018, he has featured in 19 shows, which are successful but he holds a short-term contract in many of the shows. Not only that he also owns infrastructure business and recently he has completed buildings with the support of his father. Its estimated that his call-center business goes beyond Rs.1.7Cr. Karan is a model, who has turned an actor, he owns an international call-center, which makes more than Rs.50L/Year or more. There is no way he is not going to give it a shot in the business as he is coming from a business family.
Karan has studied business, and he has a very good understanding of business infrastructure.